NAME ADS::RefResolver::Client - ADS bibcode resolver PERL client SYNOPSIS use ADS::RefResolver::Client; my $resolver = ADS::RefResolver::Client->new(); my @refs = ('Abt, H. 1990, ApJ, 357, 1', 'J. B. Gupta, and J. H. Hamilton, Phys. Rev. C 16, 427 (1977)', 'Hermsen, W., et. al. 1992, IAU Circ. No. 5541', 'Pollock, J. T. 1982, Ph. D. Thesis, University of Florida'); @results = $resolver->resolve(@refs); foreach my $r (@results) { print $r->{bibcode} if ($r->{bibcode} and $r->{confidence} >= 1); print "\t", $r->{reference}, "\n"; } DESCRIPTION ADS::RefResolver::Client is a class implementing the ADS bibcode resolver as a PERL client to the Web-based ADS resolving server. METHODS The following methods are supported: $resolver = ADS::RefResolver::Client->new(OPTIONS) Constructor for this class. OPTIONS is a hash of KEY => VALUE pairs. The supported options are: * Debug (defaults to 0) set to 1 to print out debugging output * HttpMethod (defaults to "GET") method to be used when submitting the HTTP request to the server $resolver->resolve(ARRAY) Takes an input array of strings and returns an array of hashes containing the resolved results. Each element of the returned array is an anonymous hash containing the following fields: reference: the original reference string bibcode: the bibliographic code corresponding to the reference confidence: an integer number representing the degree of certainty EXAMPLES See the subdirectory examples and the test subdirectory t for examples on how to use the resolver. PREREQUISITES ADS::RefResolver::Client requires a recent version of perl (5.005 or higher) and the libwww-perl package available from CPAN and BUILDING/INSTALLING Once the archive is unpacked, use these commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install AUTHOR Alberto Accomazzi, SEE ALSO perl(1), LWP(3)