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You will need a few things in order to use this software:

If you are not a local user, you will first need to download the latest version. You can get it from http://ads.harvard.edu/pubs/bibtex/astronat/ and unpack it using a command like

gunzip -c astronat.tar.gz | tar xvf -

The installation is a simple matter. You will need the natbib style file (natbib209.sty is the LaTeX 2.09 version); the ones included here have not been edited from their original forms. You will also need one of the bst files from the sub-directory with the appropriate journal name (apj for AAS, mnras for Monthly Notices). These sub-directories also contain bib files which define journal abbreviations for use in your bib database, which contains all your references. There are only two steps:

  1. Put the appropriate sty, bst, and bib files where LaTeX/BibTeX can see them.
  2. Put the Perl script nat2jour.pl somwhere in your PATH, and make sure it is executable (chmod +x nat2jour.pl).

There are two options for the first step:

Local users at Berkeley should set their environment variables to include the directory ~jbaker/tex/inputs/astronat//, and do not need to copy any files, except that you will want to put then Perl script nat2jour.pl in your PATH.

Suppose you have all the files in sub-directories of /somewhere/tex/inputs/. Then the environment variables can be set as follows. For C-shell (put these in your .cshrc file):

setenv TEXINPUTS .:/somewhere/tex/inputs//:$TEXINPUTS

and for sh, ksh, or bash (put in .profile):


and similarly for the other two variables. The trailing // means recurse through any sub-directories. Note that the directories in the colon-separated list are searched in order, so you'll want to have the path to these files ahead of any directories that have any files of the same name (otherwise the wrong ones will be used).

If you can become root you can install the files in a standard location where TEXINPUTS points. Even if you are able to do this, you may still need to explicitly set the other two variables. According to the BibTeX documentation it looks in TEXINPUTS by default, but in practice it doesn't actually seem to do this.

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